martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Hi!!! here I am again!!! but 6th semester (corregido)

Hey in my first entry i´ll talk about my vacations...a great experience!!. These last vacations I traveled alone I was nervous when I was in the border to get the permit to go to Austin, Texas. There, my cousin´s mom lives in little town near Austin called Buda, Texas. I was there for 3 months. I say that was a great experience because I worked first, as a babysitter, like 1 month and 1/2 (I had never worked as was) I took care of a little boy: his name is Aiden Guerrero. He was 1 month and a half old, I had to change his diapers and feed him while his parents were at work. I thought to do that it was easy, but it wasn´t. Sometimes, He cried and I wondered why. His parents were nice people to me. During the time I worked with them I stayed with Aiden´s grandparents, they were nice people too. Sometimes, we went to the outlets where Mrs. Guerrero took me photos in a beautiful fountain that was in there and I bought some things. After that, I worked as housekeeper (cleaning houses). There were BIG houses, maybe with 5 or 7 bathrooms each one with a tub, 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, dinner room... WOW!! they were really beautiful. Inside of them there were stuffed animals like deers. It was exhausting working as housekeeper but won´t complian I earned, per house, like 60 or 80 dollars but on the other hand it was a good opportunity for me because I could practice the language I´m studying: English. Well I think that´s all for today. Next entry I´m going to talk about......

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