martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

...acerca del blog...

Hola! como ya saben esta por finalizar el semestre, ya sólo falta esta semana y nada más vamos a la escuela a dar la vuelta y a entregar trabajos. Para empezar me dió gusto que la materia de Inglés V la impartiera el maestro Cabrales, que de verdad es alguien que esta capacitado para darla, y pues al igual que el semestre pasado nos pidió que continuaramos con el blog, lo cual me pareció, para ser sincera un poco tedioso ji pues porque no sabía de que hablar...sé que hay muuuchooos temas para hacerlo pero como no se me da eso de hablar pues menos escribir jiji pero continuar con esto si me ayudó bastante puesto que me obliga a pensar ya que tengo que dar opiniones acerca de tema del que haya escrito. Sinceramente espero que en los próximos semestres nos imparta otras materias...aunque no hable en su clases jaja.

atte: quiet girl..... :) (the girl above it´s me jiji)


Christmas is coming, families on the entire world is waiting for it. For me is the time that I like most because you are with your family but this time is the first christmas without my grandma it´ll be difficult, every year she was with us, but life is like that and the show must go on...

Christmas is a time for Families, Fun, and Festivities! A time of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time for Santa, stars, and singing carolers. A time for ornaments, gifts, and twinkling lights. Of sleigh rides, hot cocoa, and gingerbread cookies. A beautifully decorated evergreen tree, with colored lights ablaze inspires in many warm memories of Christmases long past. The Christmas tree has become one of the most beloved and well know holiday symbols.


I´m going to inform about an american tradition: thanksgiving. we have to know about american traditons because we´re studying English so we have to be in contact with its culture.

Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons.
In 1621, after a hard and devastating first year in the New World the Pilgrim's fall harvest was very successful and plentiful. There was corn, fruits, vegetables, along with fish which was packed in salt, and meat that was smoke cured over fires. They found they had enough food to put away for the winter.
The Pilgrims had beaten the odds. They built homes in the wilderness, they raised enough crops to keep them alive during the long coming winter, and they were at peace with their Indian neighbors. Their Governor, William Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving that was to be shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native American Indians.
The custom of an annually celebrated thanksgiving, held after the harvest, continued through the years. During the American Revolution (late 1770's) a day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the Continental Congress.
In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom. By the middle of the 19th century many other states also celebrated a Thanksgiving Day. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving. Since then each president has issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, usually designating the fourth Thursday of each November as the holiday.

History of toys: BARBIES!!

Well, as you know Christmas is coming, and many children wait for this time because they know Santa Claus come from north pole for leaving them toys that they asked to him, especially girls because they long for barbies like I used to do it, so let me inform to you the history about Barbies:

Barbie was first introduced at the American International Toy Fair in New York in February 1959. She was created by Elliot Handler, the founder of Mattel, Inc., and his wife, Ruth. After noticing her own daughter's interest in paper dolls of adult women, Ruth Handler came up with the idea for an adult doll, which she named after that daughter, Barbara. The doll's womanly figure and painted face got mixed reviews at firstfew would have guessed that more than 35 years later Barbie would still be one of the most successful and enduring toys on the market. Barbie's appearance was modeled on a German doll, Lilli, who was herself based on a popular comic book character and originally marketed as a racy gag gift to adult men in tobacco shops. After Mattel began advertising their new toy on television, Barbie's sales skyrocketed, prompting the Handlers to add a boyfriend, Ken (named after their son) in 1961; a best friend, Midge, in 1963, and a little sister, Skipper, in 1964. A flood of Barbie-related merchandise followed, including a car and a Dream House.

To keep up with Barbie's ever-glamorous image, Mattel's in-house designers provide the doll with about a hundred new outfits each year. Clothing has also been created for Barbie by world-famous designers Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Valentino, Perry Ellis, Oscar de la Renta, and Bob Mackie. Since 1959, over 105 million yards of fabric have been used to create Barbie's clothes, making Mattel a huge consumer of cloth, as well as America's fourth-largest maker of women's clothes.
Love her or hate her, Barbie is a bona-fide global icon--one that has helped make Mattel into America's top-selling toy company. More than half a billion Barbies--or more than one billion if sales of sidekick dolls like Ken and Skipper are included--have been sold in more than 140 countries. Each week, Mattel sells more than 1.5 million dolls, or two dolls per second. Ninety percent of all American girls in the last 40 years have owned at least one Barbie, and if every Barbie doll ever manufactured were laid end to end, they would circle the earth three-and-a-half times.

in my opinion, Barbies are never going to stop being the trend.

Hi!!! here I am again!!! but 6th semester (corregido)

Hey in my first entry i´ll talk about my vacations...a great experience!!. These last vacations I traveled alone I was nervous when I was in the border to get the permit to go to Austin, Texas. There, my cousin´s mom lives in little town near Austin called Buda, Texas. I was there for 3 months. I say that was a great experience because I worked first, as a babysitter, like 1 month and 1/2 (I had never worked as was) I took care of a little boy: his name is Aiden Guerrero. He was 1 month and a half old, I had to change his diapers and feed him while his parents were at work. I thought to do that it was easy, but it wasn´t. Sometimes, He cried and I wondered why. His parents were nice people to me. During the time I worked with them I stayed with Aiden´s grandparents, they were nice people too. Sometimes, we went to the outlets where Mrs. Guerrero took me photos in a beautiful fountain that was in there and I bought some things. After that, I worked as housekeeper (cleaning houses). There were BIG houses, maybe with 5 or 7 bathrooms each one with a tub, 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, dinner room... WOW!! they were really beautiful. Inside of them there were stuffed animals like deers. It was exhausting working as housekeeper but won´t complian I earned, per house, like 60 or 80 dollars but on the other hand it was a good opportunity for me because I could practice the language I´m studying: English. Well I think that´s all for today. Next entry I´m going to talk about......

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Today...Day of the dead!

I´m going to post something tha I found about one of mexican traditions...
Her face is unforgettable and she goes by many names: La Catrina, la Flaca, la Huesuda, la Pelona--Fancy Lady, Skinny, Bony, Baldy. A fixture in Mexican society, she's not some trendy fashion model, but La Muerte--Death.

November 1, All Saints Day, and November 2, All Souls Day are marked throughout Mexico by a plethora of intriguing customs that vary widely according to the ethnic roots of each region. Common to all, however, are colorful adornments and lively reunions at family burial plots, the preparation of special foods, offerings laid out for the departed on commemorative altars and religious rites that are likely to include noisy fireworks.
In most localities November 1 is set aside for remembrance of deceased infants and children, often referred to as angelitos (little angels). Those who have died as adults are honored November 2.

One of the things that the families do at home is to elaborate an altar in honor of deceased relatives, decorating it with papel picado, candles, flowers, photographs of the departed, candy skulls inscribed with the name of the deceased, and a selection of his or her favorite foods and beverages. I think is one of the most important traditions in México that we have to preserve because is part of our culture.

Weekend...movies, movies & movies je

Hi!... I´m going to talk about my weekend.

Friday... we only have 2 hours of classes then I came back to my house then the rest of the day I watched T.V. The movies that I watched were Chucky, The ring and Corpse bride. The last one was that I enjoy the most because it was funny, it made me laugh...I´m gonna write what it was about...
When a shy young Victor Van Dort (voiced by Johnny Depp) fails to recite his vows properly at his wedding rehersal to a complete stranger Victoria Everglott (voiced by Emily Watson) he flees and practises his vows in the woods. However when he eventually gets it spot on he accidently places the ring on the finger of a corpse known as the corpse bride (voiced by Helena Bonham Carter). He ends up in the afterlife known as the land of the dead (which proves to be much more colourful and fun than the land of the living). He desperatly tries to get home especially when he finds out that his beloved wife to be will be marrying someone else to save her family from the poor house. The man she is being forced to marry is the devious Lord Barkiss, who is only after Victoria for her money (not knowing that she and her family are now completely broke) When he (and the rest of the dead) finally get to the land of the living a shocking discovery is made which reveals how Emily (the corpse bride) died and who did it as Victor and Victoria are finally able to be together.

Saturday...I went to Glz with my mom, I visited my mother´s family, when we arrived to the house everybody was watching horror movies so I did the same like Friday...Sunday we went to the cemetery, we left some flowers to my grandmother because of the day of the dead. That was my Weekend! it was a horror

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008


I chose this kind of art because it seems interesting. There are many things to know about it, Fine art photography refers to photographs that are created to fulfill the creative vision of the artist. Fine art photography stands in contrast to photojournalism and commercial photography. Photojournalism provides visual support for stories, mainly in the print media. Commercial photography's main focus is to sell a product or service..

  • a good photograph is one that communicate a fact, touches the heart, leaves the viewer a change person for having seen it. It is, in a word, EFFECTIVE. Irving Penn.
  • a great photograph is one that fully express what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed. Ansel Adams.

I liked so much this photograph by Sudek Josef. He was a Czech photographer, best known for his haunting night-scapes of Prague. Sudek's photography is sometimes said to be modernist. But this is only true of a couple of years in the 1930s, during which he undertook commercial photography and thus worked "in the style of the times". Primarily, his personal photography is neo-romantic.


Think you can’t live without your electronic companion, the TV set? Think getting rid of TV would leave your life empty and meaningless? yes the TV has been important in our lives that with the time has been changed, first you watch it in black & white then in colors, on the contrary, living without TV can be much more peaceful, enjoyable, healthier, and happier. Can you imagine...?
  • My mind becomes free of commercial jingles.
  • I can become addicted—to LEARNING.I can study and doing my hwk without distractions.
  • I will lose track of the latest escapades of Paris Hilton and other such notable celebrities.
  • I do not worry how the sex and violence on TV may affect my and other family.
  • I find the time to pursue my dreams.

It may be hard to believe that there are such benefits to living without TV. Get rid of your TV maybe for a month and see how your life improves. By the end of the month, you will probably be pleasantly surprised at the improvements. The downside of not having TV or I might be worse off

  • Sometimes people are talking about something that they watched on TV and I simply do not express my opinion.
  • I can't invite people over to watch TV; this is a big season for debate parties.
  • Also, watching television or a movie is a nice way to end a date.


The mother of
equality for women!

I recently read "Elizabeth Cady Stanton: the mother of equality for women" by Tanya Lee Stone, a book about a wowan who wanted that all the women had to vote. It´s interesting how did she struggle with all the people that were against her.

The story begins when Elilzabeth was 11 years, her father, Judge Cady, was unfair with a woman who only wanted her properties/belongings, but because she was a woman she didn´t have rights so her belongings were given to her son. Elizabeth saw that injustice so she decided to change the laws: Women must be given the right to vote and omitt the word "obey" at the weddings because it implies that the wife is less than her husband. evrybody was against Elizabeth, they didn´t support the ideas that she had. There was only one man , Frederick Douglass, who was agree with her resolution.

The main characters Elizabeth Cady, her father: Judge Cady, a middle aged woman, Elizabeth´s husband:Henry B. Stanton, Frederick Douglass.

I liked the book because that I understood it has a moral: With perseverance you can achieve everything that you want, It doesn´t matter how long can take it, and this is the one reason that I recommend it.

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

My heros!!!... my favorite cartoon...jaja

I`m going to write oabout them.... The Powerpuff girls!!...their history:

The Powerpuff Girls were created by Craig McCracken as a project for his animation class at the California Institute for the Arts. McCracken’s original film was titled “Whoopass Stew” and the girls were called “The Whoopass Girls”. (The name “Powerpuff Girls” came later.) In the film, a character named Professor Utonium decided to create perfect little girls by combining sugar, spice and everything nice with a can of Whoopass. Thus, it was a can of Whoopass, and not Chemical X that led to the original creation of the Powerpuff Girls. McCracken then made another animated film, called “A Sticky Situation”, which featured the Amoeba Boys and The Whoopass Girls.
The names of the Whoopass Girls were Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, the same names that are used today.Here’s where Hanna Barbara comes in… Hanna Barbara saw McCracken’s Whoopass Girls and decided it would make a successful television cartoon series. In order to make the series more appropriate for television, the name was changed to “The Powerpuff Girls”. In 1995, Cartoon Network premiered the Powerpuff Girls in “World Premiere Toons” . The first episodes were “Meat Fuzzy Lumpkins” in 1995, and “Crime 101” in 1996. The Powerpuff Girls were an instant success, which led to more episodes and finally to the creation of the “The Powerpuff Girls” cartoon series in 1998. The first episodes of “The Powerpuff Girls” were “Monkey See, Doggie Doo” and “Mommy Fearest”.The Powerpuff Girls are super heros. They use their ultra-super powers to fight crime and the forces of evil.
Blossom is the leader of the Powerpuff Girls and runs the hotline phone. As a Powerpuff Girl, she has the powers of laser vision, super strength, ability to fly, ice breath and fire breath. Her element is “everything nice’, her color is pink, and she is smart, loyal and dependable.
Bubbles is the sensitive Powerpuff Girl. Her role is to cheer up the Powerpuff Girls and to come up with alternate plans. She has the powers of laser vision, and super strength. She has the ability to fly, and speaks Squirrel and Spanish. Her element is “sugar”, her color is blue, and she is bubbly, sweet, and cute.
The last Powerpuff Girl is Buttercup who is the toughest Powerpuff Girl. She has the powers of laser vision, super strength, and the ability to fly. Her element is “spice”, her color is green, and she is tough and grouchy. All three Powerpuff Girls are 4 or 5 years old, and attend Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.“The Powerpuff Girls” are now one of the highest rated shows on Cartoon Network.


Hi!! now I would like to write about how can you improve your english skills. Here are some tips for doing it:

  • Speak without fear people worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.
  • Use all of your Resources Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.
  • Watch English Films and Television and Listen to English Music This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. Music can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.
  • Study As Often As Possible! Take tests and do exercises Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing.

I think these tips are very important for learning english. You have to practice as much as posible. Nowadays people think that only practicing at the school they`ll learn, learning English requires practice.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008

A lesson in caring!!!

I think the author and his daughter learnt in what way they can help others for example giving them food, clothes, etc... although at first he didn´t want to do it... but the most important thing is that they gave without expecting a reward back... so that´s a good reason that I consider him a hero...The author was motivated to begin doing volunteer work because of his daughter. He wondered, how can she thinks, being so little, in helping strange people and realized about the suffering and poverty??. .

Michael Jordan!!!

Michael Jordan (full name Michael Jeffrey Jordan) was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler and is the fourth of five children, having two olderbrothers and an older and younger sister. As a child, Michael Jordan played baseball, basketball and football.

By the time Michael Jordan was finishing his senior year at Laney High School, he enrolled and achieved a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina in 1980. Michael Jordan's ever-growing popularity began at UNC where he won the National Basketball Championship as a college freshman.

In the summer of 1984, Michael Jordan played on the U.S Olympic basketball team that won the gold metal and also in 1984, he joined the NBA as a player for the Chicago Bulls, where Jordan immediately became the NBA´s most valuable player (MVP) and would win the title 6 time. I think because of his skills and allure made him the perfect key figure to market both Nike products and the NBA.

After proving that he was the best basketball player in the world he retired before the 1993-94 season because he sought a new challenge: to pursue a baseball career. Jordan quickly realized that he was not cutout for baseball after a disappointing season so he decided that he would never excel at professional baseball.

In March 1995, Jordan made a surprise he returned to the National Basketball Association (NBA). In 1996, Michael Jordan led the Bulls to their best regular season record and the fourth Championship title in six years. He also took a shot at the silver screen, where he starred alongside Bugs Bunny in the animated comedy Space Jam.

After that, in 1999 he retired from Basketball , now he is an active businessman. This biography is an example of what do you want to achieve with an effort and willingness.

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

¡¡¡ Feel comfortable. That´s all matters !!!

For me this headline describes my own style. I don´t like to wear very formal clothes (only on special occasions) neither to get dressed sloppy, I like to wear casual clothes like jeans, t-shirts and tennis. I don´t care what people say about the way I get dressed, the only thing that matters is that with the clothes that I wear I feel very welland comfortable.

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Hi!!! here I am again!!! but 6th semester

Hey in my first entry i´ll talk about my vacations...a great experience!!. These vacations I traveled alone I got nervous when I was in the boarder getting the permission I went to Austin, Texas. There lives my cousin´s mom well in little town of Austin called Buda, Texas, I was there 3 months. I said that it was a great experience because I worked at first as a babysitter like 1 month and 1/2 (I had never worked as it) I was taking care of a little boy: his name Aiden Guerrero, he was 1 month and a half, I had to change his diapers, feed him while his parents were working, I thought that it was easy, of course not sometimes he cried and I wondered why??. His parents were a nice people with me, during the time that I worked with them I stayed with Aiden´s grandparents, they were a nice people too sometimes we went to the outlets where Mrs. Guerrero took me photos in a beautiful fountain that was in there and I bought some things. After that, I worked as housekeeper (cleaning houses). There were a BIG houses maybe with 5 or 7 bathrooms each one with a tub, 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, dinner room... WOW!! really beautiful, inside of them there were stuff animals like deers, it was exhausted working as housekeeper but I can´t lie we earned per house like 60 or 80 dollar but in the other hand it was a good opportunity for me because I could practice the language that I´m studying: English. Well I think that´s all for today next entry I´m going to talk about......

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

Hwk!!!!!...supporting statements.

If young people in my country want to get married, first, they should love and respect each other and to think about it because is difficult to live together, remember that a successful marriage depends on two things: finding the right person and being the right person" , then they must get the permission of their parents, after that the man has to visit his future wife´s family for coexisting and talking with her parents about the "future wedding" and its preparations...

Happy tree favorite t.v program!!!

Hi!! I´m going to talk about...The Happy Tree Friends...these are cute, cuddly animals whose daily adventures always end up going horribly wrong. No matter how innocently their day begins, it always ends in mayhem. The ensemble cast includes Cuddles, the cutest darn rabbit you'll ever meet, and Petunia, a sweet girl skunk always mindful to wear air freshener. Traveling through picturesque settings and speaking in a kooky language all their own, the Happy Tree Friends never know what chaos lingers just around the bend. Jaja I love this program.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008


Hey...what a hassle!! (ja I just learned) I couldn´t write the 2nd entry of last week I had a problems that´s why that I´m writting it right now....well as you know the teacher is giving us some readings that are really interesting because they let me know more about other countries or cultures for example the three talk about names.

The first one is something that happened with the President Bill Clinton he thought that in Korea the women should have the husband´s name but he was wrong, in Korea and Japan have the same tradition: the women or wives keep the maiden names, here in Mexico is different when they get married retain the maiden name and add the name of their husbands; the 3rd reading is similar because talks about maiden names too, but the difference is these women had to change their names because of their husbands. I think that men are insecure or... I don´t know because they think if we change our names maybe in this way we demonstrate that we love them I´m not agree with this opinion is not necessary to do this kind of things. Another thing is that they want to control us if we do that, like the woman in the reading says is something that happened to her... we´re not slaves of them ja.

In the 2nd one is about 2 girls that don´t like their names. I like only my first name: Gilda, the second I don´t: Edith it doesn´t sound pretty I would never change it because is my mother´s name too. If I have a child I´ll name, if is a girl Silvia Sofía (I love this name), a boy maybe Mario Alejandro. Nowadays there are some parents that name their children with a horrible names for example I know a person that his name is Gaudencio another one Próspero Hemeterio.....nooooo can´t you believe it!!! :S if I had those kind of names I´d suicide myself jaja i´m just kidding....

I think that´s all guys see u...bye bye... and remember BE HAPPY!!!!

martes, 19 de febrero de 2008


___________________. Everyday stress is inevitable and there are some precautions can be taken to avoid some of it but for the most part it is unavoidable. However what you can do is force yourself to have a little down time each day so that you can help yourself to stay happy and healthy and not allow stress to bring you down. There are many ways to get rid of stress for example: *find a quiet place when you´re overwhelmed, * take a bath, play soft music and lay down in bed, *do yoga, *go for a walk, * avoid people who are constantly or complain (stress can be contagious jaja) and the most important thing for me *smile and laugh.

Topic sentence: Take time for yourself and just relax.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

A great weekend!! and my first crashed!!

Hi!! what´s up? I had a great weekend as I told you I went to Glz on Saturday morning with my mom ... before take the bus to Glz we went to "la puntilla" there my mom bought fish and gizzards, then to "el mercado" and we bought a delicious "tortas de la barda", soon after we arrived to the buses´central and we took it .....a long time after my mom and I arrived to Glz at 1 o´clock, my aunt cooked, we had a good time...until today we came back to Tampico, I took a shower, then I went to arlene´s house but I didn´t found her I was driving my dad´s car, until then everything had gone smoothly, when I was in the way to my house I crashed with another car but the other one was new... can´t u believe it? I felt nervous, desperate, stressed and worried....the guy´ll call me tomorrow I gave him my ID card because I don´t have my driver license...if Iwant to pay for something, I´ll will do it ja but the worst thing is that I don´t have money....Oh my God!!! I feel terrible, I won´t sleep tonight!! aahh!!! and one more thing my dad realized that he car has a bump, of course I didn´t tell him that I crashed he kills me I only said: I don´t know what happened! oh no I´m worried!! noooo...well I´ll try to sleep if I can ja :S

...this is the worst thing that had happened to me in my life!!

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008


"Am I the first man you have ever loved?" he said."Of course," she answered "Why do men always ask the same question?".

When I was young I didn't like going to weddings.My grandmother would tell me, "You're next"However, she stopped doing that after I started saying the same thing to her at funerals.
This is a bilingual English/Spanish joke-- especially good for a class of native Spanish speakers. It also illustrates an important gramatical difference between languages (genders of nouns).
An Englishman went to Spain on a fishing trip. He hired a Spanish guide to help him find the best fishing spots. Since the Englishman was learning Spanish, he asked the guide to speak to him in Spanish and to correct any mistakes of usage. They were hiking on a mountain trail when a very large, purple and blue fly crossed their path. The Englishmen pointed at the insect with his fishing rod, and said, "Mira el mosca!" The guide, sensing a teaching opportunity, replied, "No, senor, 'la mosca'... es femenina."
The Englishman looked at him, then back at the fly, and then said, "Good heavens... you must have incredibly good eyesight."

I decided to search for some jokes, I just wanted to have fun for little time jaja and I like these ones, there are more , if you want to read them here´s the web page, I like it because says: jokes in English for the ESL/EFL and this could help us to learn phrases and vocabulary, and do you know what? is easy to understand these jokes....

Well, changing the topic, see u on Sunday, I´m sleepy and I´ll get up at 6 am tomorrow I´m going to visit my grandma, she lives in Glz, Tamps with my aunts....byeeeee :)

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008


Hello again!... I`m here because I decided that I`m going to do my hwk right now and I don`t know what to write :S ...well, I`m going to start saying that:

*Tampico and its historical, beautiful places.

*Tampico`s gastronomy

*sports activities in Tampico

Tampico is a coastal city with a tropical, hot and extreme weather and has many places to visit for example:

Miramar beach: I think it is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Tampioco but is located in Cd. Madero. It has a breakwater where you can go fishing.

Metropolitane park: this park has beautiful gardens for family recreation and there you can take a trip in boat.

Historical center: this place is a group of beautiful places such as the Cathedral and the Plaza. I like it because you can see doves and squirrels.

Finally, I want to tell you that these are some places that you can visit here I recommended you, it`s an excellent place for recreation and ìt`s popular for its bridge: Puente Tampico.

I feel stressed...!!!!!!!

Hi!! now I`m in Maty`s house, we have to do hwk about Literature and is too much: read, write on computer and look for images...I got up at 8:30 I`m tired ...let me tell you that I feel stressed I have to do many things (I really need my computeeeeer I think that I`ll have it on monday I`m not sure): the english hwk, to study for 2 or 3 exams, etc, etc...the next week will be stressful for those things that I mentioned...I have headache ja....tomorow I`ll do it the english hwk if I can `cause I`m gonna go to pay the telephone bill...well,that`s all for today... see u!!!!

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008


Hello!! I`m in Arlene`s house because my computer it doesn`t work since last week, I have to buy a CPU it`s very expensive and in this moment my parents don`t have money so I need to go a cyber or to ask for help jeje ...

Well, I don`t know what`s the hwk about so I`ll do it how I understood...

I read the lesson of the book and I understand that there are some parents that teach their children at home this could be a good idea but I don`t think so, I`d rather go to the school, because there I can learn how to get along with other people this might be an advantage, in this way you can improve your communicative skills, a disadvantage: maybe your parents don`t have the knowledge for teaching you.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008

Something about me!!!!

Hi!! I`m going to write about me...... I`m 21 years, I live in Tampico, I have one brother his name is Braulio and he`s living in Matomoros where he is working too, My parents are Nohemì and Pedro, they are nice people but they sometimes are telling me what I have to do and that`s really bothers me je but I love them. I`m student, I`m studying English as career I like it so much because in the future I would like to be a Translator or Interpreter, at first I was studying Medicine but is a difficult career, there I was stressed and nervous but I`ll never forget that experience. My favorite hobbies are: listen english music, in fact I listen in the radio a program where records songs of the Beatles everyday (hey Jude is one of my favorite song of them), Gloria Gaynor, Olivia Newton are some other artists that I like, watch t.v especially programs like Grey`s Anatomy, Shark and Dr. House, surf the internet and sleep....My favorite actor is the really handsome: Johnny Depp I think he`s a good actor, I liked his performance in the movie " Pirates of Caribbean" .....well I have to go because I`m in the cyber and I only have $10 pesos jaja I`ll continue tomorrow....bye.......

sábado, 26 de enero de 2008

My Favorite comic strip

Hi!! this is one of my favorites comic strips...Blondie...I used
to read it on the newspaper, but in spanish when I was younger. Now
I don´t read it anymore ja. Some other comics I like are "Henry and Archie".
I really like reading those kind of comics because it relly helps me for my reading skills, and also I can learn new vocabulary while reading those kind of article.
I found really interesting on reading comics because this way I dont get bored on reading and I can learn too much as I enjoy the comics.

lunes, 21 de enero de 2008

Hi Everybody!!

Well...I want you to know that I´m not good at writing
( ja for doing this I wrote it in a notebook first), but
I have to make an effort, is for my own good.

I want to thank the theacher for having this great idea,
because I think this is a "kind" of space for us...right?,
so let me tell you that yesterday I had a
good time with my family (this is something that I
enjoy and makes me happy =)!

Uhm...well...bye jaja...and Welcome!!